In 1936 the german physical education teacher Karl Hans Krohn discovered a game called “Peteca” in Brazil. As a result of his investigations he found out that this popular game had already been played by the history natives. The playing equipment was a “featherball “. A pouch had been filled with composed plants or sawdust and three or four feathers were put in it. As the heavier impact surface always flies ahead and the featherball could not roll away, this setback play is an ideal sporty pleasure. The fact that no racquets or fences are needed (one can even play on a mountain, without being afraid of loosing his ball), created friends in a lot of countries.

Karl Hans Krohn, developed the Peteca to its current shape as a playing equipment, which is not only suitable for the immediate setback. The new word creation “Indiaca” formed from the terms “Indian” and “Peteca” by Krohn has been established outside of Brazil in Asia and Europe. Today Indiaca is technically similarly played to Volleyball. As the Indiaca is easier to handle as a Volleyball, the basic impacts with that not even 50 gram weighting Indiaca are considerably easier to learn as with a Volleyball. The body applications required in the match have a high gymnastic value. For example this was a reason in 1972 the German Sport Federation claimed the Indiaca to be the “trim device of 1972”.

There are approximately 800 000 Indiaca-playing people in Japan, probably 100 000 in the European countries